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Enforcing the Ukraine ‘Group Think’

Robert Parry, Consortium News It may be fitting that the U.S.-funded Radio Liberty would be the latest media outlet to join in the bashing of an American academic who dares to disagree with U.S. policies on Ukraine, which have included…

One year after massacre: Odessa resists fascist occupation

A vivid snapshot of life and rebellion under the US-installed fascists in Odessa. By Greg Butterfield One year after 48 anti-fascist activists died by bullets, flames and beating at the hands of Ukrainian neo-Nazi gangs, Odessa is a city living…

Washington Choreographing All-Out War with Russia?

A good, if worrying, appraisal of the current situation in Ukraine from Finian Cunningham: Of particular concern is that some of the 300 US troops currently in Ukraine have moved to ‘training’ positions only 20-30km from the conflict zone.…

Paul Craig Roberts: Demonization of Russia makes reducing nuclear threat impossible

Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury & Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal, on how the demonisation of Russia in the US media, coupled with hair-trigger nuclear weapons, put the whole world at risk. Did…

How Close to the Red Button? Nato Spy-Plane Intercepted by Russian Fighter Jet

Red Button

‘Confrontation Between NATO and Russian Aircraft Threatens an Already Fragile Situation’ How many small steps away from sparking a nuclear war was this? Will we shortly see a pretext for full scale war, using the same reliable media channels that…

Noam Chomsky: We’re facing a new Cold War

The linguist and philosopher on the warped coverage of Putin’s Russia and the ways we whitewash our war crimes

Ukraine- History Professor Lays Bare the $5bn US-led Coup ‘Ukraine – The Truth’ by Gary Leupp, Professor of History at Tufts University, Massachusetts. He explains the workings of the coup managed by Victoria Nuland: US Assistant Secretary of State, “who just so happens to be Jewish, representing the…

French intelligence: no evidence of Russian invasion

French military intelligence can find no evidence that Russia was about to invade Ukraine, despite NATO claims to the contrary.  This is detailed in committee minutes from 25 Mar 2015 on the National Assembly website (English version via Google Translate).…

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