Australian Communications and Media Authority. David Macilwain.12th February 2020 Dear Sir/Madam, This complaint to ACMA relates to the failure of Australian public broadcasters SBS and ABC to satisfactorily present an impartial, accurate and balanced view of the Syrian conflict over…
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Complaint to SBS TV on Syria Reporting June 2019
September 27, 2019
Formal complaint letter or “Code Complaint” – to SBS Ombudsman Ms Sally Begbie. Copied to SBS executive producer Andrew Clark. Sent 25th June 2019 in response to SBS news reports on the situation in Idlib province, Syria from early May…
No Nerve Agents Found – The OPCW Interim Report On Douma
July 18, 2018

BBC, Guardian and the rest once again lied their asses off to promote Western bombing. MediaLens 17 July 2018 “In April, it happened again: the entire corporate media system rose up with instant certainty to damn an enemy state for…
‘The Wrong Kind of Veteran’ – Veterans For Peace UK, Blackpool Council and the Death of Civil Liberties
July 15, 2018

‘The Wrong Kind of Veteran’ – Veterans For Peace UK, Blackpool Council and the Death of Civil Liberties
Starving and Bombed Children of Yemen Seek Entrapment in Thai Cave
July 13, 2018

By Robert J. Burrowes July 11, 2018 While the world watched and waited with bated breath for the outcome of the substantial global effort – involving over 100 cave divers from various countries, 1,000 members of the Thai Army and…
Powerful John Pilger Article On Assange, Wikileaks and the Clampdown on Free Speech
June 20, 2018

Women Against Rape: “The allegations against Assange are a smokescreen behind which a number of governments are trying to clamp down on WikiLeaks for having audaciously revealed to the public their secret planning of wars and occupations with their attendant…
I Just Visited Syria: Here’s What a Syrian Palestinian Woman Wanted Me to Tell People in the West
May 26, 2018

American Herald Tribune – David Macilwain May 28 2018 At the end of six days in Damascus last week, and on the eve of Ramadan, I finally found time to re-visit a Palestinian-run art gallery and shop with my wife;…
Anatomy of A Cover-Up: BBC’s Shameful Burying of the Gaza Massacre
May 17, 2018

BBC: “Terrible About Poor Palestinians! Their own fault though. Funerals are done – let’s bury the story too. Ooh! Royal Wedding!” Soldiers of US and British close ally Israel committed a massacre of 61 Palestinian protesters in Gaza on…
Palestine-Israel Truths Laid Bare by Human Rights Attourney Noura Erakat
May 15, 2018

Must-see short interview from CBSN with university professor and human rights attourney specialised in Palestine-Israel Noura Erakat. She dispels the ‘blame the protesters’, ‘blame Hamas’, ‘blame Palestinians for demanding freedom’ approach parroted in the mainstream media, and gets to the…
Stop the Massacre in Gaza – Pro-Forma letter to MPs
May 14, 2018

WRITE TO YOUR MP to ask them to call for an End to the Massacre, the latest of so many, in Gaza. UK MPs are largely a very compliant bunch, swaying with the demands of corporate-military power and the ‘right…